Thursday, September 1, 2011

Happiness is a birth right~

She said, "Happiness is your birth right! It's an inborn divine entitlement. In innocence and pure views, you started your baby footsteps happy and you will be for the rest of your journey in happiness!"

"So when you are feeling otherwise and troubled, please look back from where you started. I was there watching, you were born to be happy and nothing can change that!"

The inspiration came and i have good feelings. Real good feelings! I thought i should share this. It's late, good night and strawberry milkshake dreams!


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

昨晚的心情日记 [真空妙有]

可是我太累了, 跟你们一样为了生活到处跑! 所以没写. 今晚扑上啦! 哈.


空有万相 也含万法
万相戒空 法无定法.

心有所想 却不贪玩.



大千世界, 万相诱人
身在其中, 酸甜苦辣
有喜有乐, 难分难舍
苦海无边, 回头是岸

说穿了, 你唯一的亲人便是空
到头来, 如梦如幻 空一场
这本是原来的你, 也是真正的自己.


玩归玩, 活着要开心. 时间到了, 要懂得放下. 知道吗?

不然, ‘因果’ 叔叔又要逗你了! 生生世世兜着绕圈圈. 这就很不好玩啦! 想想你要叫很多人爸爸妈妈. 可能做不成人, 做些别的.. 能飞能游多厉害! :D


Thursday, August 25, 2011


Please pardon my grammar mistakes if i do have any as i do not wish to spend time thinking of what my english teacher told me! :)) I write what i feel in its purest form without preservatives!

Tonight, i posted several entries on the Facebook and my friends thought i was being emotional! Hah. This is far from the truth! On the contrary, i feel liberated that the past is all gone! The shadow of my past is not here to haunt but as the basis of my reflection of journey thus far and the source of my gratitude that i have came out strong.

Life is perfect now.

It's an unknown surge of gratitude overwhelming me for quite a while that i need to get it off my chest. Perhaps, explode them out! I thought i should have some of the content written down here since this is the purpose of my blog.

I wrote:

最感动的是她从来就没放弃过我. 我也不会放弃她. 她永远是我没有名字的妈妈.

小时侯穷到没钱念书. 理工好几次也念不下去. 就这样不知不觉念到大学. 钱总是在危机出现. 一个人走在 '奇机' 的边源, 走到怕怕! 这种心情很难受. 这也是完完整整的梁小明. 都过去了! 今晚是抱着感恩的心去回味从前.

And that explains this entry! It's immense gratitude flooding from within and overflowing and I can't explicitly explain my relationship with my divine mother. It's like i've known her for aeon!

Dear Mother,

In your grace and light, i will sail through the rough rides of life journey in peace, happiness and comfort. I will return to my past glory and continue to shine in the vast emptiness of your universe in the mission of your highest order.

In all humility, i command for my divine right and my rightful return. Until then, we will reunite again! It hurts to make you worry for me all the time.


Your Child.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I had an interesting dream

I dreamt of something being real and unreal. The object of focus and attention is a little boy and in it, there is this active analogy of how real can be unreal and unreal can be real.

Being real is perceived by the mind as it is, and being unreal because all these are the reflections formed out of our perceived senses. When the senses are gone or in a way 'disconnected' from the physical realm we are in, everything shuts. So our world is basically a real illusion, it is real because of our mind and being an illusion is because of the perception of our senses.

Something interesting to share is:

Maybe to them (those enlightened and dead) our physical world is an illusion and their world is then real. But to us (the living) our world is real and their world is then an illusion! So it depends on from which perspective you are looking at things and who you are at that point.

There is no special meaning to this entry. It's just something i feel like sharing after the dream and some thinking! Perhaps, The Buddha will have more to say about it. :))


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Universal Love 博爱

This is something that i always wanted to write. It's the foundation of happiness in life; a simple yet effective formula! In the protective sphere of love and compassion, you can never go wrong and lose your way in darkness. There will always be light!

Even if the whole world has done you wrong
Even if you have suffered grievances beyond redemption
Even if you feel that you are the loneliest soul on earth

We do not seek revenge or the desire to inflict the same pain on others and hope in anticipation that they suffer the same fate or much worse. The 'poison' of such intention will spiral one down to the deep valley and it is a vicious cycle.

From the perspective of human progress and development, Universal Love is the crystallization of human wisdom and the cornerstone of a sustainable society, nation and the world where peace and harmony exist. Without which, we are heading for destruction and people will start fighting among themselves.

Always remember to embrace yourself with a genuine smile shining brightly from within and flood your heart with loads of vitamin L. L stands for Love. Love works miracles and even on the dying bed breathing your last. - I tell myself that, and i live by it.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Adversary or Friend you decide

This is in response to some of the rants on FB. Don't get me wrong, i rant too!

If you perceive life circumstances as cursed or your adversaries, they will be against you and life will be a struggle. In it, there will be no true happiness. There will only be pain. When you use a magnifying glass over a problem or a pain, the effect is magnified because you exhaust so much mental energy dwelling on it like brewing a tea-bag! OMG! It will expand AND you will feel much worse than ever. Then you will start to feel everything is coming down.

On the other hand, if you are of view that the adversaries are actually your friends and kind teachers, you encapsulate the energy and flow with them gently as oneness in unity. In this instance, there is no I, you or him to talk about, less mention what is good or bad on the outside and whether the 'situation' is a foe or a friend. If you are so free to categorise into different groups, call me. I can talk to you for a while but not for too long because i hate to chat on the phone. Hah.

So, embrace your situation and turn the table around, you can shine in your own right! Even if it's a niche field, it doesn't matter. It's your world to run anyway! Run your world and not to forget with a smile. A true smile.

When you have come to the point of peace, you know you have done it. You basically learn to ride the wind, party in the rain with erm.. a broken umbrella and dance in the storm with some cuts and bruises.

This is perfectly fine. Life is not 24/7 a bed of roses, and roses come with torns! When you gain some, you lose some. The equation at the end is always equals to zero. So why do you even think about it? Spend the time to make yourself happy instead.

The vibration of your inner world will vibrate higher gradually and the outer environment will start to take shape in manifestation! Remember that what's on the outside is actually a reflection of what lies deep within.

I am learning and let's learn together! Life is meant to be happy and not sad! Cheers!


Monday, August 15, 2011

The Ultimate Cosmic Being; our Formless Divine Mother

In our history thus far, words have failed to illustrate exactly who or what the Goddess of Voidness is but She can be known and experienced in a direct and personal way.

We have not seen Her because her being is cloaked in silence and She dwells in the voidness of all voidness. Having said that, we can't say for sure how big She is or where She came from or what Her ultimate form is.

What we can do is enter into a relationship with Her, a communion that is very intimate, loving and personal. She will be our best friend and confidant and our patient mentor.

The Divine Mother is everywhere and She is in everything. She is the Divine Essence that lives deep within every beings. Her domain is in the field of life for she provides sustenance needed for life and Her beauty spans the universe in all splendor.

She has been called by many names for all traditions recognise her existence. The feminine principle She is. Into each consciousness, the knowledge is given of the sacredness of life. This sacredness is the Mother. She is the source of divine blessing, the part of the oneness that bestows the graces that fill life.

It is the Mother that creates this evolving, this unfolding journey for she is fabric of time itself, the means by which all things grow.

Love you Great Mother Spirit and we will reunite again.