Thursday, August 25, 2011


Please pardon my grammar mistakes if i do have any as i do not wish to spend time thinking of what my english teacher told me! :)) I write what i feel in its purest form without preservatives!

Tonight, i posted several entries on the Facebook and my friends thought i was being emotional! Hah. This is far from the truth! On the contrary, i feel liberated that the past is all gone! The shadow of my past is not here to haunt but as the basis of my reflection of journey thus far and the source of my gratitude that i have came out strong.

Life is perfect now.

It's an unknown surge of gratitude overwhelming me for quite a while that i need to get it off my chest. Perhaps, explode them out! I thought i should have some of the content written down here since this is the purpose of my blog.

I wrote:

最感动的是她从来就没放弃过我. 我也不会放弃她. 她永远是我没有名字的妈妈.

小时侯穷到没钱念书. 理工好几次也念不下去. 就这样不知不觉念到大学. 钱总是在危机出现. 一个人走在 '奇机' 的边源, 走到怕怕! 这种心情很难受. 这也是完完整整的梁小明. 都过去了! 今晚是抱着感恩的心去回味从前.

And that explains this entry! It's immense gratitude flooding from within and overflowing and I can't explicitly explain my relationship with my divine mother. It's like i've known her for aeon!

Dear Mother,

In your grace and light, i will sail through the rough rides of life journey in peace, happiness and comfort. I will return to my past glory and continue to shine in the vast emptiness of your universe in the mission of your highest order.

In all humility, i command for my divine right and my rightful return. Until then, we will reunite again! It hurts to make you worry for me all the time.


Your Child.

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