Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Embrace without opinion leads to a carefree existence

The vision that is defiled by individualistic opinion is the source of bitterness. Why not be non-judgmental and embrace the environment, people and things. Whether it is good or bad is merely personal opinion. A view from a certain perspective, may not be completely right or wrong.

Everyone has the mandate to choose their own path. Stay true to yourself without the need to please another will free the soul and happiness will ensue. In the absence of judgement, beyond all human thought and transcend your physical identity to becoming the original you.

带着有色的眼光去看一切事情是烦恼之泉. 苦! 何不放开各人想法去拥抱周围的大环境, 人与事物. 好还是不好只是各人意见. 意见在某个角度来看, 是无全对或错的地方.

每个人都可以选择自己要走的路. 做真正的自己, 无需去讨好他人的将自己释放, 活得自在开心! 在无好坏分别的想法国度里, 超越一切思维, 活出自己的本性.

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